Here are the chicks at Earth Fest 2012.
Due to the weather we were inside... sharing a room with a farmer who breeds Wessex Saddle Back Pig!
It was nice to share the space with someone who shares my philosophy of allowing animals to live naturally, raise their young naturally & is not driven by economics when it is not in the best interests of animals.
His pigs free range, no nose rings but they do have teeth, tusks & tails! Can you believe piglets usually have their teeth pulled out so they don’t damage their mother’s teats – if that was a real danger pigs would have died out within a year of coming out of the arc.
The mother pigs are not kept in stalls or other cruel contraptions either.

I know there was a rush on comfrey & tansy at local nurseries later in the day & from all the interest in the Dine-A-Chook feeder I imagine they will be busy with orders too.
People noticed how calm and friendly the chooks were despite the hectic crowds and noise. I think they enjoyed the constant company and attention.
All the children coming through loved them!
We have quite a few deliveries over the next few weeks... handing over our lovely girls just before they begin to lay (always a sad and a happy day).