I don't want to get ahead of myself but I do think we've managed to hatch 3 girls.
After days of soaking rain, their mother ventured out before deciding to call them into the garden for a scratch.
They were very good and listened to her "Wait here" cluck before coming running for her "Come here now" cluck.
She is one of our best mothers.

The yard is muddy and everything is sodden. I am soooo am glad the Dine-A-Chook feeders arrived before the rains.
Usually these weather conditions would mean lots of wasted pellets and gain, and what managed to stay dry while it was actually raining would be mouldy within days because of being close to the wet ground.

This is my first go. If it is successful and the chooks seem to like it I will buy the proper growing trays.
Right now I'm making-do with a foam box from the green grocers and stuffing from inside an old pillow.
In theory, the wheat grass should mean I use 3 bags of wheat a year instead of 1 a month -- for exactly the same nutrition for the chooks.
The combination of saving waste through the Dine-A-Chook feeders (the wild birds have had their free feed effecitvely cut off, as have the vermin), plus the wheat grass -- my local stockfeed place will wonder where I am.
Perhaps I can spend all that extra money on a new chookhouse!
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