The plan is that by expanding how many girls we can house and care for broody at once, we can meet your demands for more Designer Backyarders more quickly.
But while where the humans live is great, we have to pretty much start from scratch for the chooks.

- Quick and easy to install (winter is upon us!)
- Simple to clean out
- Able to accomodate a mother from laying right through to raising
- Good ventilation
- Attractive
- Non-permanent
Have simple, child-proof access for egg collecting.
I'll keep you posted on my progress towards finding the best solution in Australia on the market today.
Any product reviews you wish to share will be received with tremendous thanks.
Also on my list of things to tackle before the next season takes-off is fencing solutions; feed for layers; and recipes for using up all those wonderful eggs. Over the coming weeks I'll cover the best, the worst & everything in between.
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